What is Roulette?


Roulette is a popular casino game where players wager on numbers on a rotating wheel. Different betting combinations bring about different odds and payouts.

Before playing, set your budget for the game. Then, choose a table that allows you to make bets within your budget. Roulette tables carry placards with the minimum and maximum bet amounts.


While some theories abound, the true origin of roulette is unknown. It is believed that the game was invented in 17th century France and has since been popular in casinos and gambling houses around the world. The name is derived from the French word “rouler” meaning to roll. Some believe that the game was created by Blaise Pascal, a French math wizard and genius, as part of his attempts to create a perpetual motion machine. Others believe that the game is based on an ancient Chinese board game that involved arranging 37 animal figurines into a magic square with numbers totaling 666 and was later brought to France by Dominican monks, with some modifications.

There are also rumors that the game was based on English games like Roly Poly and Even-Odd, as well as Italian games such as Hoca and Biribi.


There are many different variations of the roulette game that differ from one another in terms of rules, betting options, and wheel make-up. The most popular variation is European Roulette, which features 38 pockets and a single zero. This version is very popular because it offers a friendly house edge and the odds of winning are higher than in other roulette games. Other roulette variants include Double Action Roulette, which is played on a special wheel with two concentric rings, and French Roulette, which has a similar format to European Roulette but uses French names for the bets. These bets are called Orphelins and Tiers du Zero.

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