Variations of Roulette

Roulette is a game of chance played on a revolving dish-like device called a roulette wheel. A ball is spun around the wheel and comes to rest in one of 38 compartments numbered from 1 to 36, plus 0 and 00.

Players bet on what number will come up by placing chips or cash on a betting mat. Bets are placed until the dealer announces “No more bets”.


There are a few theories on how roulette was created. One story suggests that it was invented by a 17th-century French mathematician named Blaise Pascal during his search for a perpetual motion machine. Another theory states that the game was developed in China and later transmitted to France by Dominican monks. The truth is that it was derived in France in the early 18th century from the older games of hoca and portique. The modern roulette wheel and layout first appeared in gambling houses in 1796.

Historians have also noted that Roman soldiers played a game very similar to roulette. They would spin shields that had symbols on them, and then bet on the symbol that stopped closest to an arrow. This is one of the few theories that makes historical sense.


Roulette is a game of chance, so you won’t find many differences between its variations. However, a slight tweak here and there can make your experience with the game more pleasant. If you’re new to the game, opt for games that follow the European format and boast a friendly house edge. On the other hand, if you’re a seasoned veteran, try variations that offer additional betting options and special rules. For instance, Key Bet Roulette adds a new twist on traditional wagers by offering additional prizes that can multiply winnings from outside and inside bets. This is just one example of how small changes can affect the overall gameplay and win-to-loss ratio.

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