Domino – More Than Just a Game

Domino, a game of strategy and skill played with rectangular tiles, has captivated people around the world for centuries. It is more than just a game, however; it is also a symbol of tradition and camaraderie in many cultures.

Some games use a scoring method that counts the number of pips left in the losing players’ hands at the end of the hand or game. Other games are blocking games, such as bergen and muggins.


Although a very similar game can be traced back to ancient Egypt, Domino seems to have originated in Europe in the early 1700s. Originally, domino sets were made of bone or wood and carved from ivory, but now they are mostly produced in heavy plastic.

The name “domino” is thought to be derived from the traditional appearance of the tiles—black dots on a white background—which recalls a kind of winter hood worn by French priests. It may also be a variant of Latin’s dominus, meaning ‘lord’ or ‘master’.

The game reached England in the late 1700s (possibly via French prisoners of war) and became popular in pubs and taverns. It then spread throughout the world.


There are many different domino games. However, most of them fit into four categories: bidding games, blocking games, and scoring games. The rules of a game depend on the specific set used and the number of players.

The first player begins the game by drawing a hand of seven tiles and placing them in front of him. Then he plays a tile that starts the line of play. Each player then extends the line of play by playing one matching tile to each end of the existing chain. This process may be repeated several times.

Each domino placed must be positioned so that the two matching ends are adjacent. This ensures that the chain develops a snake-line shape and prevents doubles from being played on both ends at once.


There are many variations of domino games. Some involve only one player, while others have multiple players. Some have specific rules for scoring while others do not. In most games, players play tiles until all the dominoes are played or no player can make a move. The winning player scores the total number of dots on his opponents’ remaining dominoes minus the score on his own.

Most dominoes have a unique marking on each face, indicating their value and sometimes their rank or weight. A domino with more pips is referred to as heavier than a lighter tile with less pips.

One popular variation of the game involves the use of trains. Each player places a marker on a train when it is his turn to play. If the train is public, it stops other players from playing on that piece.


Dominoes are small rectangular blocks of rigid material that have been used as gaming objects for centuries. They are also known as bones, men, pieces, or tiles and have been made of many different materials over the years. Modern mass-produced domino sets are typically made from plastics, metals or stone.

Each domino is shaped like a die and has a line down the middle that divides it visually into two squares. Each side is marked with an arrangement of dots or pips that indicate a value. The most common type of domino set has 28 tiles, each of which has a number from 0 (or blank) to six.

The standard plastic domino sets that are available at most department stores are ideal for children to learn the game. Most come with a storage box which can be kept neatly on the edge of a table.


Domino games often have similar, or even identical, rules, but scoring systems vary. In some cases, the game is played to a specified point limit; in others, players compete for the highest score.

The heaviest double usually begins play, and play moves in a clockwise direction. However, some games allow players to start with any tile, and may include special tiles containing a spinner that can be used in various ways.

In most domino games, players score by laying dominoes end-to-end. The open ends of the dominoes must match – one’s touch one’s and two’s touch two’s, for example. Each end counts as a multiple of five points. Some games count both ends of a double, while others only count the non-spinner end.

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